Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Finance Spreadsheet

This article was originally published on the Portuguese version of this site.

OK, here is, finally, a copy of my finance spreadsheet. I revised my original sheet, made some improvements, added sample data, and started a help file.

Since the original spreadsheet is in Portuguese, so is this initial release. But I promise I'll upload an English one ASAP.

As well as the spreadsheet itself, there is also a helo file (very raw, still), as a ZIP file.

You can find both files here:


If you want stay up to date as I release any changes, stay tuned to the link above. Or send me an e-mail (michael.fimdeabril AT mailnull.com) and I'll kindly add your address to a SPAM-less list.

Warning: the spreadsheet uses Pivot Tables and other fancy things. I strongly recommend that you read Excel's help file and familiarize yourself with them.

The spreadsheet was made in Excel 2007 but it should work OK with Excel 2003. I'll try later on.

Share and enjoy.

Fim de Abril in English

Finally, I decided to split my hints and tips in to different locations for English and for Portuguese.

I'll soon re-publish some older posts from Fim de Abril, and eventually post the new ones in English only here.